• Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking Index 2024   

For the first time in the ten annual cycles of the Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking cycle, we find a general increase from 2021 to 2022 in energy and water consumption among participating hotels.Ê

This increase is largely associated with the global recovery from the anomaly of 2021, where occupancy levels were lower than usual and most hotels were not operational for the full year due to the pandemic.Ê

The increase in hotel occupancy rates between 2021 and 2022 and recovery to pre-pandemic operating levels contributed to the increase in energy consumption levels in 2022.Ê

Comparison between 2019 and 2022 consumption levels show a general decrease in energy and water consumption per square meter, but an increase in energy and water consumption per occupied room. This observation is largely attributed to the lag time between the resumption of hotel operations and the return of travelers.

Download the Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking Index 2024. (PDF)