• Episode 189 - Email Insights: 3 Tests To Run Right Now and 3 Pitfalls To Avoid   

Email is quite likely your number one converting tool in your marketing toolbox.  If it’s not, you’ve got some work to do to hone your email collection, targeting, and messaging strategies.  Even if your email is already converting well, there is always room for improvement.  Today we’re going to review three email tests you can run right now as well as look at real world improvements.

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About Fuel

At Fuel, we think a little differently. We believe that we’re making the world just a little bit better by connecting people with the right products and services. “Travel Marketing…Simplified.” That’s our motto and our commitment. Headquartered in the heart of the travel and tourism industry in Myrtle Beach, S.C., Fuel provides all digital services in-house through a team of experts who understand the potential of well-executed, effective online marketing. To learn more about Fuel and to take your travel marketing to the next level, call (843) 839-1456, visit our website or check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+.