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Topic - Revenue Management

Revenue Management

Hotel Revenue Management: 3 Mistakes You Should Avoid when Benchmarking

On a Wednesday morning, while making your way to the weekly revenue management meeting, you run into your GM, and during a casual conversation, you remark on how good the hotel's weekend was, only to be met with a thought-provoking response: 'Compared to what?'

Management Appointment Denihan Hospitality

Denihan Appoints Three New Vice Presidents

Cheryl Franz, Vice President, Learning & Organizational Development; Wendy Pong, Vice President, Asset Management; and Susan Weigel, Vice President, Revenue Management.

Revenue Management Scholarship

Cornell Announces 2013 Revenue Management Scholarship Winners

The scholarship is designed to help increase professional development opportunities in the field of revenue management. Under the first round of the program, six hospitality professionals were awarded scholarships based on their demonstrated excellence in revenue management and career aspirations.