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Sojern News Page 2

Facebook Advertising

How Hotels Can Use Facebook Throughout the Purchase Funnel - By Ashley Proceviat

Many hotels claim to ‘be active’ Facebook. But ‘being active’ on Facebook as a social channel is very different than using it as a marketing channel. And this is where many hoteliers are falling down. Because it’s not just about the number of travelers on Facebook - rather, it’s how you use Facebook to influence the traveler’s path to purchase. Here’s how you can achieve your marketing goals at all stages of the funnel.

A Boutique Hotel Shoppers Path To Purchase

How to Advertise to a Boutique Hotel Shopper - By Dani Moragne

Direct hotel bookings are highly valuable to boutique hoteliers, but getting them can be a real challenge. Our Path to Purchase report offers insights into how a boutique hotel guest searches and books their room and how you can intercept that journey.

Digital Marketing

Marketing Attribution Models Explained - By Hannah Fuller

Deciding which attribution model is best for your marketing efforts is a difficult, often intimidating, piece to evaluating a campaign’s success. In Sojern’s attribution guide, we break down each model to make it a little easier to digest.