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Topic - Americas Lodging Investment Summit

Americas Lodging Investment Summit

ALIS Conference Location Spotlight: The Los Angeles Market Leads the Hotel Construction Pipeline by Rooms at the End of Q4'21

With a focus on the Los Angeles market, analysts at LE report that, at the end of 2021’s fourth quarter, Los Angeles has a total of 120 projects/19,815 rooms in the construction pipeline. At Q4‘21, Los Angeles has the highest room count in the construction pipeline, slightly ahead of the Atlanta market, with 133 rooms/17,593 rooms, and the New York, NY market with 121 projects/19,303 rooms.

Americas Lodging Investment Summit

Fundamentals of Travel Have Not Changed - CoStar

According to IHG Hotels & Resorts, the COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted the fundamentals of travel, and the industry is still growing back from those interruptions, but the fundamentals haven’t changed.