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Digital Marketing

What Was Doing to Gain Market Share While We Were All in Lockdown - Mirai

During the pandemic, many hotels have seen their direct sales grow exponentially within their channel mix. Meanwhile, on the sly, has also managed to increase its share with almost no resistance. Given the current situation, where many channels are still not appearing and we don’t know if they will be activated this season, has become the basket where most of your distribution eggs are stored.

Digital Marketing

UNWTO and Google Partner to Guide Restart of African Tourism

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) continues to advance its commitment to the African tourism sector by partnering with Google to help destinations gain expert insights into data management and digital marketing.

Digital Marketing

Vacation Rentals Peaked in 2020, Should Hotels Be Worried? - By Jeremy Razook

The vacation rental space peaked in 2020 in the United States. According to Google Trends, “vacation rentals” saw its most popularity this year than it had seen over the last several years. Changing travel/safety protocols due to the COVID-19 pandemic has affected traveler sentiment, as travelers show a desire for a travel experience that minimizes interaction between other guests. But should hotels be worried?

Digital Marketing

The Top 3 Things People Want to Hear from Hotels Right Now - By Jeremy Razook

Before you send that exclusive offer for the umpteenth time to your entire email database, you’re going to want to read this. Thanks to our latest consumer sentiment survey results we’ve identified the top things people want to hear from hotels right now. Staying in touch with guests on the topics they care about now will keep your hotel top-of-mind, as well as improve your hotel’s chances of more bookings now and during recovery.

Digital Marketing

Driving Traffic to Your Properties Website

More guests staying at your property means you’re making money. That seems like pretty straight forward logic, but digging deeper you need to ask yourself 'How are these guests actually finding and booking their trip?' With OTAs flooding the market, many properties are overwhelmed with seemingly can’t-miss opportunities to generate bookings.

Digital Marketing

Tips to Boost Direct Bookings for Hotels

With so much competition from OTAs for direct bookings, hoteliers need to be savvy with the techniques to attract visitors to their property’s website. Here are a few strategies put together by the experts at Vizergy that have helped our clients boost their direct bookings.