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Articles from Hotel Industry Experts Page 4 presented by Hotel News Resource

Technology Leadership

From Wall Street and Silicon Valley to Hospitality Leader: Exclusive Interview and Insights from DerbySoft Co-Founder Feng Ou - By Alan Young

Steve Jobs once said, 'The mark of an innovative company is not only that it comes up with new ideas first, but also that it knows how to leapfrog when it finds itself behind.' There is, perhaps, no more relevant sentiment to apply to the hospitality industry. I recently had an insightful conversation with Feng Ou. We discussed his experience starting up in Silicon Valley, the evolution of DerbySoft, and potential strategies for hoteliers to keep up with market changes.

P2P Solutions

The Future of Hotel Procurement is in the Cloud - Here is Why - By Johannes Vocke, CFO, FutureLog

Many leading hoteliers are levelling up their procurement departments with cloud-based infrastructure - investments that are now key to streamlining procurement operations, navigating an uncertain market, and satisfying new guest expectations. Even more than AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, or robotics, hoteliers believe that cloud computing has the greatest potential to leverage its performance in the coming years.

Market Report U.S.

STR Trends in the Hospitality & Lodging Industry - By Sean Skellie

Our clients typically want to understand the current and past trends of the lodging industry and how it may impact their project or its ownership structure and overall financial performance. To this point, Grey Hospitality has collected industry data on the past few years and placed in this addenda items to our research.

Metasearch Marketing

How Metasearch Marketing Can Help Your Hotel - By Pete Dimaio

While paid search options like Google Ads and Microsoft Ads can yield impressive outcomes, they still lack the capability to dynamically integrate a hotel's rates into the travelers’ decision-making process. This is where hotel metasearch becomes so important, particularly for independent hoteliers.