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Knowledge@Wharton News

Artificial Intelligence

How Much Can AI Improve Human Performance?

AI training enhances strategic skills, especially in lower-skilled individuals. But research shows it isn't a perfect substitute for human training partners.

Workplace Culture

Why Shameless Self-promotion Backfires at Work

Tooting your own horn at work is important, but including others in your symphony of accomplishments will make you more likeable, according to new research from Wharton’s Maurice Schweitzer.

Artificial Intelligence

How AI Changes Our Sense of Self - By Stefano Puntoni

Instead of focusing on how people feel about technology, marketing research should examine how technology makes people feel about themselves, according to Wharton’s Stefano Puntoni.

Crisis Leadership

The Prepared Leader: The Five Phases of Crisis Management - By Erika James

In The Prepared Leader: Emerge from Any Crisis More Resilient Than Before, two crisis leadership experts - Wharton Dean Erika H. James and Lynn Perry Wooten, president of Simmons University - provide tools and frameworks for addressing and learning from crises. In the following excerpt from their book, James and Wooten identify the five phases of crisis management.