Experiential Hospitality provides to hoteliers valuable tools in order they can achieve positioning in the market that every time is more and more aggressive. Competitive strategies are not based on WHAT services are offered to guests, but HOW they are offered to them.
It is well known that the performance of hoteliers plays a decisive role in the perception of the service received by the guests, influencing the degree of their final satisfaction. In Experiential Hospitality we consider that hoteliers are managers par excellence of the guests’ experience. This fact determines the special attention given to the satisfaction level of hoteliers achieved during their working hours, since they are emotional beings who attend other emotional beings, namely, the guests.
The level of satisfaction that hoteliers can reach throughout their workday will be the determining factor of their deep emotional condition, which will influence the intensity of the emotional dye resulting from their interaction with each of their guests.
Interpersonal relationships in any company represent one of the main factors for creating work environments conducive to the good performance of its employees. Above all, influencing to achieve a good communication leads to appropriate levels of understanding. The Hotel is a large relational stage, not only between hoteliers and guests but also among the hoteliers themselves.
The soft skills of human resources largely determine the success of interpersonal relationships among all members of a Hotel. That's why in this article I am referring to a very useful tool to measure this indicator: evaluation of 360 degrees, it takes into account all positions that are directly related to the evaluated.
1- What do I think of my colleague?
2- What does my colleague think of me?
3- What do I think of my boss?
4- What does my boss think of me?
The preceding questions that need to be answered make an invaluable tool that comprises all representative relations surrounding the evaluated person.
We know that relationships are established according to our perception of the other person. This depends, among other factors, on the attitudes, skills and values of all those with whom we interact. The 360-degree assessment considers these factors on the evaluated people, which will permit to us to get to know the ways, means and strategies to build and strengthen a culture of integration and real collaboration between all workers in a hotel.
Working in emotionally appropriate labor atmospheres, will allow the hotelier to achieve the desired emotional states. This will make that every interaction he has with the guests he attends, remains as an indelible mark on their minds, and also that customers feel the need to tell and return to the Hotel to revive the magical moment. These behaviors will surely consolidate your company in the market.
Osvaldo Torres Cruz
Hotel Butler
Consultant trainer on Experiential Hospitality