Scandic is the first hotel chain in Poland to meet the EU\'s strict environmental criteria, as Scandic Wrocław and Scandic Gdańsk receive the official EU Ecolabel certification.
As early as in 1993 Scandic started implementing measures for sustainable and environmental development. This is today the industry's leading sustainability program. One proof of this is the official Nordic Ecolabel or EU Ecolabel certification given to 120 Scandic hotels and which now Scandic Wroc?aw and Scandic Gda?sk in Poland just have received.
"Our faith in the future is based on sustainable proactivity as well as on care and concern for others and our environmental activities have been now appreciated. Therefore we are very proud to achieve one of the most significant certificates – EU Ecolabel. It is particularly satisfying that we are the first chain hotel in Poland that have met the extremely demanding criteria and have received the prestigious diploma," says Marta Karteczka, the Director of Hotel Scandic WrocÅaw and Monika Piechowska, the Director of Hotel Scandic GdaÅsk.
The EU Ecolabel certificate can be obtained after implementation of an environmental policy along with careful adjustments of the product and service facilities to the requirements of the European Commission, both on a local and a global level. The criteria have been developed to ensure that 10 to 20 percent of the most environmentally friendly products on the market can meet them. Sustainable and environmental measurements taken at Scandic hotels are based – among others - on the use of clean energy, implementation of efficient garbage segregation systems with particular emphasis on minimizing food waste and equipping rooms with natural materials, whose impact on the environment is the lowest possible.
*All employees are trained in the area of sustainable development whereas the current consumption of energy, water, production of waste and CO2 emissions throughout the Scandic chain can be followed at
*Rooms in the Scandic hotels are equipped with soap in larger dispensers instead of disposable, single use packages. Scandic is also the initiator of the idea of repeated use of towels. At the breakfast buffet Scandic offers organic and regional products. No products in disposable packages are served at breakfast buffets. Environment-aware measures are also affected by the installation of LED lighting with low energy consumption controlled by the room access card, monitoring of water flow in shower and dishwashers and water filtering the drinking water as well as serving it in recyclable carafes to avoid transport (thus associated CO2 emissions) and bottles’ waste.