'The legislative recommendations issued today by the Administration, particularly in the areas of off-the-shelf use protections and steps to curb frivolous lawsuits, would provide significant protection to hotels, resorts, and inns across the county'
“Many consumers, businesses, and other end users across the country, especially in the lodging industry, have been unfairly subjected to infringement suits by the holders of patents – so-called ‘patent trolls’ – on equipment and devices used in their day-to-day operations,” said AH&LA President and CEO Katherine Lugar. “The legislative recommendations issued today by the Administration, particularly in the areas of off-the-shelf use protections and steps to curb frivolous lawsuits, would provide significant protection to hotels, resorts, and inns across the county.”
“We thank the White House for their leadership and look forward to working with them and Congress on addressing this critical issue,” said Lugar.
Serving the hospitality industry for more than a century, the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) is the sole national association representing all sectors and stakeholders in the lodging industry, including individual hotel property members, hotel companies, student and faculty members, and industry suppliers. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., AH&LA provides members with national advocacy on Capitol Hill, public relations and image management, education, research and information, and other value-added services to provide bottom-line savings and ensure a positive business climate for the lodging industry. Partner state associations provide local representation and additional cost-saving benefits to members.