REBEL Travel Corporation;

For many years, the hospitality and tourism industry has been in need of better cybersecurity services. REBEL Travel Corporation has recently partnered with cybersecurity firm Clarium Managed Services to streamline the cybersecurity assessment, validation, and customized reporting process for this industry.

REBEL CEO Fred Bean said, “we’ve partnered with Clarium because they are the best at what they do. They not only provide a nearly frictionless assessment, they also validate the results for the client and provide summary dashboards of findings for the C Suite”. Clarium provides services for some of the world’s largest companies, they are well-placed to offer enterprise level cybersecurity services that the hospitality industry urgently needs.

In recent years, it has become clear that the hospitality and tourism space is an attractive target for cyber criminals. Sophisticated cybersecurity technologies and protocols are available and can help to mitigate the risk, but many hospitality businesses do not have the expertise or resources necessary to put them in place. Through REBEL, Clarium can identify, validate, and create reports of your vulnerabilities for you at significantly reduced costs.

Clarium created Assessor+™, a proprietary tool for use by many of the nation’s largest law firms and cyber insurance companies to address the problems faced by businesses in the hospitality industry, and the third party data processors that serve them. This validated assessment program can help hotels and their contracted data processors ensure that they meet the standards set by GDPR and PCI. The findings are confidential and in most cases are also exempt from disclosure anywhere. Go to for more information or to enroll in Assessor +.

Clarium’s CEO, Ajay Khanna says “We are so excited to partner with REBEL, who is known in the industry for delivering top quality products and services. Our combined program is far more than just a theoretical review of frameworks and processes. It truly helps businesses in the hospitality sector, along with their suppliers, to achieve compliance with cybersecurity regulations.”

REBEL Travel Corporation is a global technology and marketing company that provides top-class solutions to many hospitality businesses, including hotels, restaurants, and agencies. The partnership with Clarium allows REBEL to make high-quality cybersecurity services available to its clients across the world.

The services that Clarium provides include the development of cybersecurity strategies, and managed security services. They can help businesses integrate cybersecurity features into their existing networks, put in place robust incident response protocols, and manage their cyber risks through their Security Operations Center (SOC) located in Miami. In addition, Clarium provides security consulting, support, and training. Based in Miami, FL, the firm has many years of experience of providing end-to-end cybersecurity solutions that can help both small and large businesses protect against expensive cyber breaches by providing a prevention first security platform.

With cyber-attacks occurring increasingly often in the hospitality and tourism sector, many businesses are concerned about how they can protect themselves. One option now is to join REBEL Travel Corporation by visiting or calling 305-900-4926.